Hey guys, Brian here. I started feeling symptoms of COVID on Monday and have been down most of the week. So anyway, here’s this week’s top ten…
Top Ten Stages of COVID
10. Sore throat and a headache, huh, that’s peculiar.
9. Maybe I should get tested.
8. Maybe I should test again.
7. Maybe I should sleep.
6. That was a good three hour nap, let me see if I can beat it…
5. Huh, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers has Mulaney in it? Might as well give it a shot.
4. Man, I kinda like Dave Letterman’s boots, I wonder what they are.
3. I think I’ll just rest my eyes for two and a half hours.
2. Oh, you only ate soup while you had COVID? Me too. (I’ve eaten so much junk food)
1. I can’t wait to go back to sleep.