Need something to talk about this week? Here are ten fun facts to get you started…
10. Frogs swallow with their eyes.
9. Clownfish all start as males and change their sex to female depending on who is bigger. That means in Finding Nemo, Marlin would have become Nemo’s mom on the trip back home.
8. Platypuses are venomous. Yeah, they’re weird (and amazing):
7. Darth Vader never actually says, “Luke I am your father” in The Empire Strikes Back. “ He just says, “I am your father. I could drop a link here or you could just go watch the movie again.
6. Vader is german for father. Darth Vader’s name is Darth Father, lol.
5. In the movie Cars, Lightning McQueen’s catchphrase is “ka-chow!” Fun fact: to date cars are not sentient and cannot talk.
4. No one likes Raisinets.
3. M&Ms are named after the guys that created them: Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie. We thought it was important to drop a Mars fact into the list.
2. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours and 37 minutes: . Ok, why have one fun fact with the name Mars when you can have two?
1. No one knows why Dr Pepper is named that: